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Press for magicTattly Sheets
Grab your scissors! Tattly Sheets contain multiple designs on a sheet so you can trim them out to put together your own Tattly sleeve or share with a friend. Each pack contains two matching sheets!

Tattly Temporary Tattoo Sets
The perfect gift. Tattly Sets contain eight Tattly non-permanent tattoos and a magic sponge for application, all packed up in a beautiful paper sleeve.
A little bit about us

We work with professional artists and designers to create a high-end collection of long-lasting temporary tattoos we're proud of.

With every Tattly temporary tattoo you buy, we give back a generous royalty to the artist who designed it.

We've proudly awarded over $1.5 million in royalties to our talented artists to date. That makes us really happy!

We have a not-so-secret confetti drawer in our office.